What the Flip Are We Doing?

April 12, 2016

The title is a dead giveaway, right?

And it is a very appropriate question at this point! Because we have officially jumped off the cliff and decided to FLIP A HOUSE! You see, my husband and I are both public school teachers. We’re not realtors. We’re not contractors. We’re not developers. We’re not “pros” in any sense of the word. We have no business experience or real estate experience. We have literally bought ONE property in our entire lives – our house. So…what the flip??

Here’s the deal: we love homes. We love transforming spaces into their best selves. We have experimented with this in our own home throughout the past ten years and found both the process and the outcome to be…wait for it…fun!

Does this mean we know what we’re getting into? Well, we’ve talked to a realtor. We’ve talked to some local (successful) flippers who were extremely sweet and generous to sit down with us. We know we’ll have to get our hands dirty…and get professional help for the ‘big issues’. And we’ve watched plenty of HGTV so that fills in the rest of the gaps! Just joking about that last one; we know HGTV is NOT real life.

And what about this blog post plopped down right here on a brand new fresh empty blog site? Why blog about it (especially when there are 152 million other blogs out there already)? Well, it comes from this: I literally could listen to people talking about ‘house stuff’ for every minute of my life. I never get tired of it. Anytime anyone around me opens their mouth and the words coming out are related to their house, I zone in like a homing pigeon. Sometimes my body literally moves of its own accord in their direction (but usually if it’s a complete stranger talking to another complete stranger in a public place I am able to say to myself in a firm voice, “keep on walking, Julie. Keep on walking”. Usually). So I thought maybe there are a few other people out there that would like to read what we’re up to. And IF we actually find a house I promise to tell you the good, bad, the ugly, and the beautiful (in no particular order).


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